Gigantocloa atrobiolaceae Widjaja

   Synonyms:Gigantochloa verticillata (Willd.) Munro sensu Backer

in West Java, Indonesia
[Distribution] Indonesia
[Local name] Black bamboo in English,
       bambu hitam, pring wulung in Indonesian

Unknown habitat, but it is widely cultivated in Java, Indonesia.
Rough clumping bamboo, 6-8cm in diameter, about 12m high and 40-50cm in internode.
Most characteristic is black color culm, but dark green in young culm then changed to black with increasing ages.
Recently planted in gardens in southeastern Asia for ornamental plantations.
Culm is used for construction materials and furnitures, musical instruments in particular.
While, it is said that the culm production decreases year by year by planless harvest.